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Every year since 2009, the Department of Anthropology has invited postgraduate students to present their research at the Postgraduate Student Forum. The Forum aims at showcasing the best of students' contemporary research. Hong Kong, a global city that is a major nexus not only for trade and investment but also for the exchange of ideas, is a perfect locale for such a forum. The Forum seeks to encourage communication among young anthropologists and other social scientists who study Asia, to help improve their research, and to promote the excellent research being conducted internationally. This year's theme is "Impacting the World: The Emerging Voices of Asian Anthropology". The Forum will be held on 23-24 January 2015 (Friday and Saturday) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


If you have questions, please inquire at anthforum@cuhk.edu.hk.


香港中文大學人類學系誠摯邀請全球致力於亞洲研究的研究生同學參加學系第七屆年度研究生論壇,並於活動期間分享各自研究。今年論壇的主題為: Impacting the World: The Emerging Voices of Asian Anthropology。本屆論壇擬於2015年1月23-24日舉行,屆時將呈現出人類學亞洲研究領域年輕一輩學者之優秀水準。香港是一個國際化都市,亦是貿易、投資與思想創意融匯之處。本屆研究生論壇旨在促進全球年輕一輩人類學者相互切磋,共同提升,並推動亞洲研究領域之出色作品為國際學界同仁所瞭解。