Workshops, Seminars and Events
Process of Design Thinking and Critical Thinking Approaches towards Learning Design

Facilitators: Dr. Paula Hodgson, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research

Dr. Susan D’Aloia, Client Success Manager ASIA Blackboard Inc. (invited guest)

Details: Design thinking is a non-linear process that enables our students to build capability through synthesizing needs, exploring possibilities, building prototypes, and critically evaluating feasible solutions from key stakeholders. Design thinking is not just about a process, but it can cultivate a mindset of readiness to being creative while making critical analysis.

Therefore, drawing from the design thinking process can be a productive way to reimagine using Blackboard’s tools in conjunction with your larger course goals. The latter half of this session will include short exercises that emphasize different stages of the design thinking process and how applying them can reinvigorate critical engagement within your course.

Date & Time: 28 November 2017 (Tuesday); 2:30pm – 4:00pm

Venue: Room 507, 5/F Wu Ho Man Yuen Building
(Campus Map)


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