Workshops, Seminars and Events
University Teaching for the 21st Century

Speaker: Dr Alenoush Saroyan
Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
McGill University

Details: What will the world be like 20 years from now? What competencies do our students need to have to be successful in that world? As faculty, what are we doing to prepare our students for being successful in the 21st century? In this presentation, I will argue that quality teaching matters and that there is a need for innovative pedagogies that foster different kinds of learning. I will also explore both the potential barriers in changing established teaching practices and conditions under change is more likely to occur.

Biography: Dr Alenoush Saroyan is the Program Director of the Learning Sciences Program and Health Professions Education Programs offered by McGill University. Her areas of research and expertise include ‘Higher Education’, ‘Academic Development’, ‘Quality of Academic Programs’, ‘Quality Assurance and Accreditation’ and ‘Academic Leadership’.

Date & Time: 25 Jan 2018 Thursday
12:30 – 13:30

Venue: B5, Ho Tim Building
(Campus Map)


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