Workshops, Seminars and Events
Students-as-Partners Online Workshop - Designing Students-as-Partners Engagement

Abstract: This workshop will introduce participants to various tips for designing Students-as-Partners projects. Some selected real Students-as-Partners projects in Hong Kong will be discussed and analysed. Participants will be guided by a double-diamond design thinking model to design Students-as-Partners projects. At the end of the hands-on workshop, initial ideas will be shared and discussed. By the end of this workshop, participants should be able to design a Students-as-Partners project by applying the double diamond design thinking model.

Organizer: Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)

Speaker: Dr. Lau Fat Man, Peter, EdD, FHEA

Peter is a Lecturer and the Coordinator of the Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme at the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) at The University of Hong Kong.

Peter actively collaborates with colleagues on various teaching and learning and research projects. One notable achievement includes his involvement in an augmented reality project on academic integrity, which received the Tier-two Award of the National Higher Education Teaching Awards (UG) 2022. The project, Students as Co-Designers: Student-Educator Partnerships in Curriculum and Pedagogy Co-Creation, that he served as Co-I received a Global Bronze Award for the Power of Partnerships Award of QS Reimagine Education 2023. The same project team also won HKU’s Teaching Innovation Award (Team) 2023 and is now expanding impacts to other healthcare disciplines.

Beyond his work at HKU, Peter remains engaged in editorial work and contributes to community services. He actively participates in organisations such as HERDSA, Joyful Mental Health Foundation, and the Hong Kong Creative Drama Festival. Peter works as a judge and reviewer for various international competitions and journals.

Date & Time: 17th May 2024 (Friday)
14:30 - 16:30 (HKT)

Format: Online Workshop via Zoom

Target Audience: Academic Staff and Students in CUHK and other Tertiary Institutions

Quota: 30

Language Medium: English

Registration: CUHK Participants:

Non-CUHK Participants:

Registration Deadline:
15th May 2024 (Wednesday) 23:59 (HKT)

Please click here for the event poster.

For enquiries, please contact Prof. LEE Wing Yan, Vivian at 3943-8012 or vivianlee@cuhk.edu.hk. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

Workshop Outline

14:30 - 14:40
(10 minutes)
- Introduction to Students-as-Partners

14:40 - 15:00
(20 minutes)
- Sharing of eight tips for designing Students-as-Partners engagement

15:00 - 15:20
(20 minutes)
- Sharing of Students-as-Partners elements
- Case Discussion
10-minute break
15:30 - 15:40
(10 minutes)
- Introduction to Double-diamond Design Thinking Model
15:40 - 16:10
(30 minutes)
- Hands-on practice: Designing Students-as-Partners engagement

16:10 - 16:25
(15 minutes)
- Group Sharing and Debriefing
16:25 - 16:30
(5 minutes)
- Wrap up and Conclusion



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