Past Events
LAMS@CUHK - - A focus on enhancing teaching and learning
Facilitator: Johnny Ly, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Introduction: What is LAMS?

The Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) (http://www.lamsinternational.com/) is an easy to use authoring and delivery system designed to support collaborative online learning activities. It can be used with students in tutorials and lab sessions, with distance students, and even in lectures. LAMS provides educators with a highly intuitive visual authoring environment for creating sequences of learning activities. These activities can include a range of individual tasks, small group work and whole class activities based on both content and collaboration. Whether you are a long time user of current e-learning tools, or new to the area, LAMS will release you from administration and propel you and your students to a new level of interaction and satisfaction that has the potential to dramatically increase students' llearning. LAMS is open source software being developed at Macquarie as a new e-learning tool, complementary to WebCT, Blackboard and other online learning systems.

How can LAMS help my teaching and students' learning?

  • LAMS can be used to help improve generic skills such as critical thinking. It helps focus on topics and organise collaborative work.
  • LAMS's sequences of activities can supplement resources set up in WebCT and other LMS.
  • LAMS is an effective tool for supporting group work and encouraging student participation and engagement.
  • LAMS is easy for students and staff to use and has low technical requirements. It is an easy tool to incorporate into many different teaching and learning contexts.

  • Presentation Session: Johnny Ly from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia will be giving a presentation session about LAMS. In this session there will be a live interactive demonstration using the new LAMS 2.0 platform where staff members will be able to experience the LAMS interface and its ease of use. Staff members who are interested about learning more about LAMS and its benefits are encouraged to attend. At the end of this presentation you will have gained a better understanding of the benefits this tool can bring to the students' learning. Colleagues at all Hong Kong institutions are very welcome to join us for this session.

    24 January 2007 (Wednesday)
    12:30pm - 2:00pm
    Room 122, Pi Ch'iu Building, CUHK

    System Administration Workshop There will be a Systems Administration workshop for staff members who are interested to know how to properly administer LAMS in the University environment. This session will cover various features from the System Administration interface including customisation, configuration, administration roles and many more. The workshop will focus more on the usability side of System Administration Interface rather than the programming level. Colleagues at all Hong Kong institutions are very welcome to join us for this session.

    25 January 2007 (Thursday)
    2:30pm - 4:00pm
    Room 122, Pi Ch'iu Building, CUHK

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