Video case method in the classroom: 10 true life business stories

Principal Supervisor

Dr. Joyce Iun, Department of Management


3 years

Approved Budget

HK 400,000

  • Project Objectives
  • Description of process, outcomes or deliverable
  • Evaluation
  • Dissemination, diffusion and impact

Project Objectives

We aim to produce video cases that will encourage students to share and discuss their ideas in the classroom, analyze problems, make critical judgment on causes and effects, and apply the theories and concepts of what they have learned to real life business cases with local relevance.

Description of process, outcomes or deliverable

We have completed 2 sets of 10 video cases (one set in Cantonese, one set in English), 1 set of teaching notes, and complied and analyzed data on the impact of the video case method on student learning and teaching. The 10 video cases are: At the town hall meeting(也是…炎黃子孫?), Hire me by all means!(聘我!拼啊!), Who’s next?(他朝君體也相同), Gone with the wings(插翅難飛), Friend or foe?(是敵是友?), My door is always open!(羅生門), An aggressive lady(請守規矩), Evolving door(明日之星), Don’t give a damn!? (毫不希罕!?), Where does their loyalty lie?(誠歸何處?).


We have collected strong evidence to support the use of video cases in undergraduate teaching could greatly enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning. With this interactive teaching method, students reported high level of satisfaction, and were better off in creative thinking, communication and problem solving skills. In particular, students were more willing to participate in discussion in the classroom and accept divergent views.

Dissemination, diffusion and impact

To introduce our video cases internally and externally, we delivered seminar to our Department of Management, presented in the “Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2011, CUHK”, and “Academy of Management Conference in Boston, August 2012.” Although the videos are planned for teaching fundamental management courses, they could be used for teaching behavioral studies in postgraduate level.