Teaching Development Grants for 2009-12 Triennium
A Summary of TDG Project Deliverables

(I) List of Project Websites and Relevant Webpages

(II) List of Resources Made Accessible to Students

(III) List of Workshops/Seminars/Conferences

(IV) List of Publications

(I) List of Project Websites and Relevant Webpages

* Project No. (XX) denotes the project number with reference to the list of projects at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/tdg/0912.html
No. Item URL Unit Project No. *
1 Learning Activity Website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/LA Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 2 & 3
2 MLearning Website http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/mlearning Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 2 & 3
3 Soft Skills Mentor - eLearning Channel (An Inter-faculty Academic-related Advising Service) http://serverfarm.elearningpro.com/cuhk/softskillmentor/login/ Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Engineering and
Faculty of Science
4 A Computer-aided Pronunciation System for Chinese Learners of English http://www.se.cuhk.edu.hk/hccl/languagelearning/ Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
5 Careers E-coach Platform http://cpdc.osa.cuhk.edu.hk/news/detail/careers-e-coach-launches-today Office of Student Affairs 8
6 Creativity as a Learning Outcome in Humanities http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/web Department of Cultural and Religious Studies 9
7 An Annual Study Abroad Writing Contest http://www.oal.cuhk.edu.hk/index.php/all-news/176-cuhks-2nd-annual-study-abroad-writing-contest Department of English 10
8 An Innovative Student Learning Outcomes Mapping Platform for Medical Students http://slo.ort.cuhk.edu.hk/ Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22
9 LE@ARN Biochem – An e-Learning Platform for Life Sciences http://www.bch.cuhk.edu.hk/learnbiochem/




School of Life Sciences 27 & 28
10 Online Self-learning Systems for Biology Laboratory Courses http://ihome.cuhk.edu.hk/~b125264/index.html




School of Life Sciences 27 & 28
11 An Undergraduate Learning Assistant Training Scheme http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/tdg/ Department of Physics 30
12 An OBA Assessment Model for Science Subjects http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/OBA

Faculty of Science 31
(II) List of Resources Made Accessible to Students

* Project No. (XX) denotes the project number with reference to the list of projects at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/tdg/0912.html
No. Item URL Unit Project No. *
1 Soft Skills Mentor - eLearning Channel (An Inter-faculty Academic-related Advising Service) http://serverfarm.elearningpro.com/cuhk/softskillmentor/login/ Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Engineering and
Faculty of Science
2 A Computer-aided Pronunciation System for Chinese Learners of English http://enunciate.se.cuhk.edu.hk/ Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
3 Careers E-coach Platform http://cpdc.osa.cuhk.edu.hk/news/detail/careers-e-coach-launches-today Office of Student Affairs 8
4 Bridging Experiential (Study Abroad) and Academic Learning through Critical Reflection and Web-enhanced Pedagogy Course materials for ENGE 4750 "Intercultural Transitions: Making Sense of International Experience” on Moodle Department of English 10
5 Video Case Method in the Classroom: 10 True Life Business Stories Course materials for MGNT 1020 “Principles of Management” and MGNT 2040 “Human Resources Management” on Moodle Department of Management 13
6 E-learning Platform to Support Experiential Learning Activities for Students Who Will Enter Commercial Sector or NGO After Graduation http://serverfarm.elearningpro.com/cuhk/softskillmentor/login/ Department of Marketing 14
7 Video-based Teaching Cases for Education Students 26 video cases on the faculty intranet Department of Curriculum and Instruction 15
8 Enhancement of Learning Effectiveness in Exercise Science: Application of the “Blended Approach” Specialized online materials and video clips on the CUHK Portal Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 16
9 Enrichment of Electronic Technology Learning Through Engineering Designs Course Materials on Moodle Department of Electronic Engineering 18
10 An Interactive and Intelligent Platform for Learning Mathematics Course Materials on Moodle Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering 19
11 An Innovative Student Learning Outcomes Mapping Platform for Medical Students http://slo.ort.cuhk.edu.hk/ Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22
12 An Interactive Web-based 3D Neuro-anatomy Resource for Medical Students A web-based resource for interpretation of 3D anatomy, 32 teaching sets and self-study resources for students on the CUHK Portal School of Biomedical Sciences 23
13 A Web-enriched Resources for Nursing Students https://elearn.cuhk.edu.hk The Nethersole School of Nursing 24
14 LE@ARN Biochem – An e-Learning Platform for Life Sciences http://www.bch.cuhk.edu.hk/learnbiochem/ School of Life Sciences 27
15 Online Self-learning Systems for Biology Laboratory Courses Echo360 lectures, online quizzes and demonstration videos at http://ihome.cuhk.edu.hk/~b125264/index.html School of Life Sciences 28
16 A Problem-based Learning Model for Transitioning Undergraduate Chemistry Students From Classrooms to Research Video-based learning aids, demonstration videos and interview videos on Moodle Department of Chemistry 29
17 An Undergraduate Learning Assistant Training Scheme http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/tdg/ Department of Physics 30
(III) List of Workshops/Seminars/Conferences

* Project No. (XX) denotes the project number with reference to the list of projects at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/tdg/0912.html
No. Item Unit Project No. *
1 A Smorgasbord of Ideas for Active Learning I: Teachers Sharing Their Experiences on Authentic Learning as organized by The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, CUHK (17 May 2011) Department of Chemistry 30
2 A Research and Teaching Seminar for Chemistry Teachers and Students, Nankai University, Tianjin, China (30 June 2011) Department of Chemistry 30
3 The 5th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference and 7th Nursing Symposium on Cancer Care as co-organized by The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK (22-24 September 2011) The Nethersole School of Nursing 24
4 The 4th International Nurse Education Conference as organized by the Contemporary Forums, Baltimore, MD, USA (17-20 June 2012) The Nethersole School of Nursing 24
5 A Mini-Symposium on Comparison of Medical Education in UK, USA, Sweden and Shenzhen at Shenzhen University Medical School, Shenzhen, China (18 May 2012) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22 & 25
6 The 13th Medical Education Conference for China Mainland, Taiwan and the Hong Kong Region (25 November 2011) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22 & 25
7 Asia-Pacific Medical Education Conference, Singapore (January 2011) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22 & 25
8 The East-West Alliance Meeting in Shantao University, China (May 2012) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22 & 25
9 The 6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, China (1 December 2011) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22 & 25
10 The Golden Jubilee Congress of the Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association, New Delhi (3-6 October 2012) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22 & 25
11 The Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Singapore (January 2013) School of Biomedical Sciences 23
12 Hong Kong-China-Taiwan Medical Education Conference (25 November 2011) School of Biomedical Sciences 23
13 Project presentation for delegates from the South China University of Technology, China (28 January 2010) Department of Management 11 & 12
14 An Annual Meeting for Re-examination of International Exchange Programs, Nagoya, Japan (24-28 June 2011) Department of Management 11 & 12
15 The Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA (August 2012) Department of Management 11 $ 12
16 The Council on International Educational Exchange Conference, Shanghai, China (14-17 November 2012) Department of English 10
17 Research Poster Fair in NAFSA: Association of International Educators Conference & Expo, Houston, Texas, USA (May-June 2012) Department of English 10
18 The 7th Annual Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (April 2012) Department of English 10
19 The 3rd International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence as organized by Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy, Tucson, Arizona (January 2012) Department of English 10
20 The 7th QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference and Exhibition, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines (November 2011) Department of English 10
21 The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Beijing, China (August 2011) Department of English 10
22 The Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (March 2011) Department of English 10
23 Invited talks as organized by Beijing Normal University and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (October 2010) Department of English 10
24 The 6th International Conference on Teaching English at the Tertiary Level as organized by Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (October 2010) Department of English 10
25 The 22nd European Association of International Education Conference, Nantes, France (September 2010) Department of English 10
26 International Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Expo 2010 as organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (12-16 April 2010)
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
27 The 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association as organized by International Speech Communication Association (26-30 September 2010) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
28 International ICT Expo 2011 as organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (13-16 April 2011)
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
29 Workshop on Bilingualism and Language Acquisition 2010 as organized by Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre (CUHK), Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages (CUHK), The State Key Lab of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (HKU), Global Parent Child Resource Centre and Braemar Hill Nursery School (12 March 2010) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
30 “Best Oral Paper Award” at the Annual Summit and Conference of The Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association 2010 (14-17 December 2010)
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
31 The Annual Oriental COCOSDA International Conference hosted by the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (26-28 October 2011) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
32 InnoCarnival 2011 as organized by The Innovation and Technology Commission at Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks (5-13 November 2011) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
33 China Hi-Tech Fair 2011 as organized by The China Hi-Tech Transfer Center at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, China (16-21 November 2011) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
34 National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication 2011 (16 October 2011) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
35 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop 2011 (18 October 2011) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
36 Presentation to delegates from Microsoft Research Asia as hosted by CUHK MoE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies (9 February 2012) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
37 Invited talk at South China University of Technology as hosted by the School of Business Administration, The South China University of Technology, China (11 July 2012) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
38 Project presentation to delegates from the South China University of Technology, China (28 January 2010) Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science 6
39 Various Poster Presentations and Talks at the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2009, 2010 & 2011 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Various Various
40 Various Poster Presentations at the Seminar on the New Curriculum for 2012 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (10 December 2010) Various Various
41 Various Poster Presentations at the TDG Consultant’s Visit (15 June 2011) Various Various
42 Various Workshops/Retreats/Presentations within the Department/Faculty concerned Various Various
(IV) List of Publications

* Project No. (XX) denotes the project number with reference to the list of projects at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/tdg/0912.html
No. Item Unit Project No. *
1 A paper on “Enhancing Outcomes-based Learning with an Innovative Web-based Platform” Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22
2 A paper on “An Innovative Web-based Platform for Enhancement of Outcome-based Learning in Orthopaedics” Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22
3 A Book and Six DVDs on:

(A) International Commercial Dispute:
  • (1) Mediation simulation with educational slides - DVD 1
  • (2) Do’s and Don’ts in a mediation process - DVD 2
  • (3) Mediation simulation without educational slides - DVD 3

  • (B) Family Dispute:
  • (1) Mediation simulation with educational slides - DVD 4
  • (2) Do’s and Don’ts in a mediation process - DVD 5
  • (3) Mediation simulation without educational slides - DVD 6
  • Faculty of Law 20 & 21
    4 “The Law Students' Voices – Diversity and Experience in The Chinese University of Hong Kong” manual and a paper on “Student Voices: Measuring Success” Faculty of Law 20 & 21
    5 A paper on “Do Video Teaching Cases Guarantee Better Reflection? A View From the Scaffolding Theory”
    Department of Curriculum and Instruction 15
    6 Chak Man Kuen and Makino Shige, "Are We Making The Right Choice to Go For International Exchange Programs?” Journal of International Business Education Department of Management 11 & 12
    7 Chak Man Kuen, “Determinants of Core Experiential Learning Activity for Undergraduate Business Students: A Re-examination of International Exchange Programs” Department of Management 11 & 12
    8 Jackson, J. (in preparation), “The Process of Becoming Reflexive and Intercultural: Navigating Study Abroad and Reentry Experience” in J. Byrd Clark and F. Dervin (Eds) Reflexivity And Multimodality in Language Education: Rethinking Multilingualism and Interculturality in Accelerating, Complex and Transnational Spaces, London: Routledge (Full manuscript forthcoming) Department of English 10
    9 Jackson, J. (in press), “Making Sense of International Experience Through Guided, Critical Reflection” QS Journal of International Education Department of English 10
    10 Jackson, J. (in press), “The Transformation of ‘A Frog In the Well’: A Path to a More Intercultural, Global Mindset” in C. Kinginger (Ed) Social and Cultural Dimensions of Cross-Border Language Learning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Department of English 10
    11 Jackson, J. (in press), “Adjusting to Differing Cultures of Learning: The Experience of International Exchange Students from Hong Kong” in L. Jin and M. Cortazzi (Eds) Researching Cultures of Learning. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave MacMillan Department of English 10
    12 Jackson, J. (2012), “Education Abroad” in J. Jackson (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication (pp. 449-63), Abingdon, UK: Routledge Department of English 10
    13 Jackson, J. (2011), “Second Language and Intercultural Learning in the Context of Study Abroad” in Z. Lu, W. Zhang and A. Crippen (Eds) Issues in English Language Teaching and Learning at Tertiary Level (pp. 269-277) Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of English 10
    14 W. K. Lo, Alissa M. Harrison and Helen Meng, “Statistical Phone Duration Modeling to Filter for Intact Utterances in a Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training System” Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
    15 Helen Meng, Wai-Kit Lo, Alissa M. Harrison, Pauline Lee, Ka-Ho Wong, Wai-Kim Leung and Fanbo Meng, “Development of Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis Technologies to Support Chinese Learners of English: The CUHK Experience” Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
    16 Ka-Wa Yuen, Wai-Kim Leung, Peng-fei Liu, Ka-Ho Wong, Xiao-jun Qian,Wai-Kit Lo and Helen Meng, “Enunciate: An Internet-Accessible Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training System and Related User Evaluations” Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages 7
    17 Thomas, K., Lok, B. & McNaught (2011) The Development of Critical-thinking Skills as a Graduate Attribute for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students: A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach, Working Paper 10, Hong Kong: Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 1-5
    18 Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2009, 2010 & 2011 Booklets




    Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research 1-5
    19 Various project booklets including:





    Various Various