Understanding the pedagogical beliefs of new teaching staff

Principal Supervisor

Professor Louis Lee, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research


2 years & 6 months

Approved Budget

HK $750,000

  • Project Objectives
  • Key deliverables expected
  • Evaluation of deliverables/outcomes
  • Dissemination of deliverables/outcomes

Project Objectives

Much work has been conducted to understand the needs, characteristics, and intellectual development of students; yet, little has been done on the development of pedagogical beliefs among new teaching staff.

The current project aims to fill this void by trying to understand the pedagogical beliefs of new faculty members at CUHK. The project will be the first step in an attempt to understand the pedagogical development of teaching staff, including both faculty members and teaching support staff, and will provide insight on how to promote teaching development at the university. Project results will help foster synergy among junior and senior faculty members in developing new pedagogical methods, and will be useful for the university’s strategic planning.

Key deliverables expected and timelines for completion

The primary deliverable of the project will be a suite of research reports, informational materials, as well as case studies in a variety of formats (see “Means for disseminating project deliverables / outcomes” for an elaboration).

The timeline for completion of the present project is outlined below:

Stage 1: Identifying pedagogical aspects for discussion
A literature review on pedagogical issues of higher education, as well as informal interviews and consultations with faculty members at CUHK will be conducted to identify key pedagogical aspects pertinent to teaching and learning at the university.
(to be completed by Aug 2013)
Stage 2: Discussions with incoming faculty members
The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) regularly holds seminars and other activities for incoming teaching staff, and will therefore make use of these opportunities to solicit the views of incoming teaching staff after Stage 1 has been completed.
(to be completed by Dec 2013)
Stage 3: Data analysis and publication
Discussion contents from Stage 2 will be subject to content analyses aiming to identify common themes among the pedagogical beliefs of participants; results will be compiled and published as described under "Dissemination of deliverables/outcomes".
(to be completed by 2015)

Arrangements for evaluation of project deliverables/outcomes

Each deliverable, once completed (see "Dissemination of deliverables/outcomes"), will be disseminated for feedback from the University community.

Means for disseminating project deliverables/outcomes

Whenever possible, the deliverables will be made available in electronic form for wider dissemination. These materials will detail the pedagogical views of incoming faculty members, as well as new teaching assistants, at CUHK. CLEAR will make effort to disseminating these materials to as wide an audience as possible, including but not restricted to members of the University, and any individual / research or academic institution interested in understanding the development of local higher education. Contents of the project will also be used to develop other CLEAR initiatives aiming to promote good pedagogical practices. Furthermore, participants will be invited to co-author pedagogical articles related to the project.