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The overall objective of the Campus Master Planning is to formulate a planning framework to guide the development and conservation of the Study Area, based on the principle of sustainable development. The specific objectives of the Study are:

to identify the development potential, constraints and key issues of the Study Area;
to define areas/sites of high ecological, landscape and cultural heritage value within the Study Area for conservation and protection;
to assess and define development opportunities within the Study Area and their development potential with reference to the strategic location of the Study Area, the University community's views and aspirations/needs;
to identify the infrastructural requirements and facilities in support of the development needs;
to formulate a sustainable broad land use concept for the Study Area;
to formulate a technically feasible planning framework for the Study Area in the form of a Preliminary Master Plan;
to formulate an urban design, conservation and landscape framework for the Study Area;
to formulate an implementation strategy for the planning framework and identify the necessary follow-up actions; and
to consider on-going and potential development concepts/proposals and gauge stakeholders' views as inputs to the Study.

Key Issues

Several critical issues in the planning process shall be considered and the proposal shall encompass the following:-

Campus community involvement in master planning process;
Projected student/staff population up to 30,000;
Relating future development to the CUHK strategic planning objectives;
Campus organization and collegiate system:
inter-relationships of physical constraints, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and existing campuses (Central and Eastern, Chung Chi, United, New Asia, Shaw, and new colleges);
Protection of the environmental and natural heritage;
Creation of a pedestrian campus;
Redevelopment of older buildings;
Future development; and
Design guidelines.