The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Public Lecture by Wei Lun Visiting Professor

Professor Michael L. Honig

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois


"Battle of the Bandwidths:
Spectrum Markets, Interference Management,
and Wireless System Design"

(in English)


Friday, 3 April 2009 at 4:00 pm


T Y Wong Hall, 5/F, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories

Sponsored by Wei Lun Foundation Ltd.


Professor Michael L. Honig

A Biographical Sketch

Professor Michael L. Honig is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

He received his BS degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University (1977), and his MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley (1978 and 1981 respectively).

Professor Honig subsequently joined Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey, where he worked on local area networks and data transmission through band-limited telephone channels. In 1983 he joined the Systems Principles Research Division of Bellcore (now Telcordia), where he worked on digital subscriber lines and interference mitigation techniques for wireless systems. During that time he also co-authored a book on adaptive filters. He joined Northwestern University in the fall of 1994 and has been professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science since then. He has held visiting scholar positions at Naval Research Laboratory (San Diego), the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Sydney, Princeton University, and the Technical University of Munich.

Professor Honig served as an editor for Transactions on Information Theory (1997–2000) and Transactions on Communications (1990–1995), both published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory (Now Publishers, 2003–present). He has been a guest editor for several other journals, and has served on numerous technical program committees for conferences and workshops on communications and signal processing. He was a member of the Board of Governors for the IEEE Information Theory Society from 1997 to 2002, the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists, the co-recipient of the 2002 IEEE Communications Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award, and is a Fellow of IEEE.

Prof. Michael L. Honig 簡歷

Prof. Michael L. Honig 是美國西北大學電子工程和計算機科學系教授。他於1977年在史丹福大學獲得電子工程學士學位 ,並分別於1978年和1981年獲加州大學柏克萊分校頒授電子工程碩士和博士學位 。

Prof. Honig 隨後加入位於新澤西州Holmdel 的貝爾實驗室,從事在限帶電話通道上的局域網和資料傳輸的研究。1983年他加入了Bellcore(現為Telcordia)的系統原理研究部門,研究有關數位用戶線路和消除無線系統干擾。在此期間,他還參與撰寫一本關於自適應濾波器的著作。他自1994年秋季起任美國西北大學電子工程和計算機科學系教授。他曾在美國聖地牙哥海軍研究實驗室、加州大學柏克萊分校、悉尼大學、普林斯頓大學和慕尼克技術大學等擔任訪問學者。

Prof. Honig 曾為多份國際期刊擔任編委,包括電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)的《資訊理論匯刊》( 1997–2000年)和《通信匯刊》( 1990–1995年 ),以及《通信和資訊理論的基礎和發展趨勢》(Now Publishers, 2003年至今)。他還為多份期刊擔任客座編輯,又在眾多與通訊和信號有關的國際會議擔任技術委員會委員,並於1997年至2002年間擔任IEEE資訊理論學會理事會成員。Prof. Honig 曾獲德國洪堡美國高級科學家研究獎,並獲 2002年的IEEE 通信學會和資訊理論學會聯合論文獎。他現為IEEE 院士 。

"Battle of the Bandwidths:
Spectrum Markets, Interference Management, and Wireless System Design"
Synopsis of the Lecture

Traditionally, radio spectrum has been tightly regulated worldwide in order to manage interference among commercial and public wireless services. This “command and control” approach to spectrum allocation has been criticized in recent years as the cause of the following paradox: spectrum is viewed as a scarce resource, yet large portions of useful spectrum are typically idle. Many government regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. and the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) in Hong Kong, have recognized that market mechanisms for spectrum sharing would likely lead to more efficient use of spectrum resources and provide for the current rapid growth in wireless systems and services. This lecture will start with a general discussion of how spectrum markets might be structured, along with the effects on wireless services. Professor Honig will then highlight some distributed techniques for interference management. Several important issues such as associated information exchange and overhead will be discussed.


為有效管理商業和公共無線服務之間的干擾問題,長期以來,各國政府均嚴格監管無線電頻譜的使用。這種「指揮和控制」的頻譜分配方法導致以下矛盾現象:頻譜雖被看作是一種短缺資源,但大部分有用的頻譜,卻常處於閒置狀態。因此,該種管理模式近年備受批評。許多政府監管機構(如美國聯邦通訊委員會和香港電訊管理局)已經認識到市場化的頻譜共用機制,可能更有效運用頻譜資源,並滿足當前迅速增長的無線系統和服務的需求。是次講座將首先泛論頻譜市場的結構模式,以及對無線服務的影響。然後,Prof. Honig 將重點討論一些分散式干擾管理的技術,以及資訊交流和經費等幾個重要的相關課題。

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