2009-10 Campus Health Ambassadors Programme

The 2009-10 Campus Health Ambassador Programme organized by the Committee on Health Promotion and Protection will start on 29th October 2009. The aim of the programme is to promote health-related issues among the university.

Ten students will be selected from each college, and attend well-rounded training courses in the University Guest House and health centre, with all lunch and handouts provided for free. Students who accomplish the programme will receive certification. The Health Ambassadors will receive subsidy of a few thousand dollars for organizing health promotion activities within the campus as well as the community. The activities will be held at the second semster 2009-10. Prizes will be given to outstanding Health Ambassadors and they can also have an opportunity to attend exchange visit to Mainland Universities for free.

Opening Ceremony

College Activities
Chung Chi College New Asia College United College
Shaw College & Postgrauates    
Joint College Activities
Walking Campaign (Phase 4)
Vice-Chancellor's Cup 2009
Exchange Visit to XJTU

Graduation Ceremony
Copyright (C) 2006, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved. Sponsored by: University Health Services