Myths and Truths

This page lists popular myths about domain names in general and hk domain names in particular.

Myth: I have several well known products and trademarks, therefore I can register them all as domain names.
Truth: To be fair to all applicants, every company, regardless of size and trademark ownerships, may register one domain name, unless in very very very unusual circumstances.  Trademark and popularity of products are not considered reasons for multiple domain names.

Myth: I want to perform a non-profit function that will benefit the community.  I need an extra domainname.
Truth: the social benefits of particular organizations are not a consideration for HKNIC, who really has no judgment on what function is worth more than who else in Society.

Myth: I want to register the brand names in HK, so I can sell them to companies for large sums of money later.
Truth: One of three things might happen.  If the company can present a trademark on the name, HKNIC will let them prevail, and delete the previous registration.  Big companies have been sending attorney letters to those they think have infringed on their trademark through registering domain names that resemble.  A recent UK courtcase can easily be cited by their attorneys in case of dispute. Techweb reports that High Court Deputy Judge Jonathan Sumption ruled that the threat of trademark infringement was "beyond argument."  The defendends were directed to give up any rights to the trademarked names, and barred from registering any similar domain names in the future.

However, our policy may be changed in the future. Consultation paper has been released by Information Technology & Broadcasting Bureau of the Government. You are welcomed to take a look at the paper and give your comment to the Government.

Last Update: 7-Jun-2000