Several problems in the development of Chinese tones (in Chinese) (
关于汉语声调发展的几个问题 -- 读王士元先生的 “声调发展笔记”
Wuyun Pan 潘悟云

Abstract 摘要
1) The tone shape-merge hypothesis proposed by Prof. William S-Y Wang can be demonstrated in two ways. One is from philological sources beginning from the Tang and Song era, while the other is historical comparison of literary and colloquial tones along with sandhi and citation tones. We do this because literary tones and some synchronic phenomena are a record of diachronic processes of tone merging. 2) The paper proposes that Chinese tone sandhi is of two types. The first type is contextual change, in which if there is difficulty in pronouncing the tones on two contiguous syllables, the tone in one of the syllables is changed. The second type is that found in Xiamen dialects, where so-called changed tones in syllables are not determined by the tones of contiguous syllables. In fact, it is the second syllable in a pair that reflects more recent historical change than in the citation tone; the tone in the preceding syllable conserves older values. Only by recognizing the difference between these two kinds of sandhi is it possible to systematically and scientifically study the complications of sandhi phenomena. 3) Inference from the tone merging hypothesis: Chinese tones should be understood to include both suprasegmental and segmental features, and the historical development of Chinese tones has moved from the segmental to the suprasegmental. 4) The paper uses the concepts of tone stem, tone head, and tone tail. Some changes in tone shapes are generated by tone head and tone tail.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 10 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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