Morphology as a cause of syntactic change: The Chinese evidence
构词是句法演变的导因: 汉语的证据
Shuanfan Huang 黄宣范

Abstract 摘要
The bulk of Chinese VP syntax can be interpreted as the product of an interplay between two opposing forces: where verb compounding morphology always increases the number of arguments per verb, the surface structure condition that the main verb may not be followed by more than one constituent serves to limit the complexity of VP. This interplay has led to the development of accusative object markers and the verb reduplication construction. Evidence for this claim is provided from (1) the behavior of V + O compounds in transitive sentences, (2) morphological structure of complement-taking verbs, (3) cognate object constructions and (4) the phenomena of verb reduplication in extent and adverbial complements. Surface filters are word order templates, as pointed out in Perlmutter (1971) and the proposed surface structure condition is no exception. If we assume that Chinese dialects have essentially identical basic structure, then the proposed surface structure condition is a reasonable device to account for different surface details, and leads to a natural and revealing analysis of the syntax and morphology of Chinese dialects.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 12 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1984 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.