On two functions of the directional complements Lai and Qu in Mandarin
汉语方位补语 '来' '去' 的两个功能
Hideki Kimura 木村秀树

Abstract 摘要
This paper deals with two specific types of Mandarin constructions using the two directional verbs lái ‘come’ and qù ‘go’ as complements to preceding main verbs: one with lái or qù before the object and the other with it after. It is argued that an aspectual opposition is found between the two constructions, which can be ascribed to the functional difference between the two orderings of components. Specifically, the construction in which the directional complement follows the object carries motion aspect, while the construction in which it precedes implies a static aspect which is the result of previous motion. The interrelations of syntax and semantics in the two constructions have not been hitherto closely observed in the analysis of directional complements in Mandarin.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 12 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1984 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.