Sound change in syllable final nasal consonants in Chinese
Eric Zee 徐云扬

Abstract 摘要
Based on the evidence we present, we propose a model for the directionality of the merging of the syllable nasal endings, in which we claim that (1) -m > -n and - > -n are two major tendencies of merging; (2) -n > - being another major tendency indicates that nasal vowels in modern Chinese dialects have not necessarily developed from only -V finals. It follows that the process of nasal ending attrition does not operate on the velar nasal endings alone; and (3) -n > - is, in fact, a minor tendency. We also show that the merging of syllable nasal endings in Chinese can be either conditioned (-n > -; - > -n) or unconditioned (-n > -; -m > -n). Thus, we refute the theory of unidirectionality of the merging of the syllable nasal endings in Chinese as proposed by Chen (1972,1973).

根据我们所提供的情况,我们提出了鼻音韵尾归并方向的模式。我们认为 (1) -m > -n 和 - > -n 是归并的两个趋势。(2) -n >是另一个主要的趋势,这说明现代汉语方言中鼻化元音不一定是从 -v 发展来的。这又说明鼻韵尾的消失不仅仅发生在舌根鼻韵尾。(3) -n > - 实际上是一个次要趋势。我们同时也说明汉语音节中的鼻韵尾的归并既可以是有条件的 (-n > -: - > -n) 也可以是无条件的 (-n > -; -m > -n) 。这样,我们驳倒了Chen (1972, 1973) 提出的汉语鼻韵尾单方向归并的理论。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 13 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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