The microhistory of a sound change in progress in Hong Kong Cantonese
Robert S. Bauer 包睿舜

Abstract 摘要
This paper describes the microhistory of the change (syllabic velar nasal becomes syllabic bilabial nasal) by focusing on the following aspects: first, the phonetic origin of , which is traced to labial assimilation of in particular phonetic environments; second, lexical diffusion and the role of variation between and in the propagation of the change; third, differential implementation of the change within the speech community, e.g. older speakers over age 49 have been bypassed by the change while young males in their teens and early 20's are the most advanced group of speakers in their use of ; fourth, the effect of the change on lexical items of the SC -class - 'five' is most affected by the change in terms of the number of speakers who use the -pronunciation and other items are found to be less affected; and fifth, the time when the change entered Cantonese, which appears to coincide with the period of World War II.

对于一个语言中正在变化的语音用几年或几十年的时间尺度来作出的研究,称作音变的“微观历史”的研究。本文描写在香港粤语中 []→[] 音变的“微观历史”。主要着重以下几个方面:1, [] 来源于特定语音环境里 [] 向双唇音的同化;2,音变传播中的 [] 和 [] 变体和词汇扩散;3,在语言社团中,音变在不同年龄组中有不同表现。青年男性受音变影响最大;49岁以上的则受影响最小;4,从词汇上来看,标准粤语 [] 类音中“五”受音变影响最强;5,这个音变进入粤语的时间大约在第二次世界大战时期。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 14 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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