Tonal flip-flop in Chinese dialects
Anne O. Yue-Hashimoto 余霭芹

Abstract 摘要
Although the Yin/Yang dichotomy of tones created by the loss of voicing of syllable initial consonants in general manifest as a higher tone (Yin) in syllables that had voiceless initials and a lower tone (Yang) in syllables that had voiced initials in the majority of Chinese dialects, in a significant number of modern dialects it manifests as the opposite pitch pattern for one or more categories of tones in citation forms. It is only in this minority of dialects that tonal flip-flop is found and reversal of pitch value is common. In addition, the synchronic sandhi behavior of these dialects suggests the following sequence of change diachronically: Yin/Yang split of tones followed by a pitch reversal change probably caused by prejunctural stress.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 14 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1986 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.