Surnames in China
Ruofu Du 杜若甫

Abstract 摘要
Surnames in China have a history over 3000 years long. The number of Chinese surnames collected from literature is over 6000. Among these the Han surnames used today might number around 2000. The overwhelming majority of today’s surnames have their root-stock in shi 氏, not xing 姓 in ancient times. The implications of surnames are related to dynasty or state name, residential place, official position, occupation, posthumous title, style, an event, etc. Factors of selection on surnames in China are not clear. There are two kinds of mutation of surname: one produces new surnames while the other only changes surnames into other previously existing ones and thus influences the frequencies of surnames; the latter happens much more frequently than the former. Among 55 national minorities in China, about 30 have surnames while the others have only given names, or given names plus father’s, grandfather’s or tribe’s name–but some people, especially cadres and pupils, are now adopting surnames from the Han ethnic group.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 14 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1986 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.