From focus in proposition to focus in speech situation: cai and jiu in Mandarin Chinese
从句位为中心到语境为中心: 汉语中的 "才" 跟 "就"
Yung-O Biq 毕永峨

Abstract 摘要
Cai and jiu in Mandarin Chinese sometimes appear synonymous with one another and sometimes antonymous. The diversity in interpreting cai and jiu in various contexts is accounted for by treating these two words as quantificational adverbs which place four types of focus on some element involved in speech: parametric, limiting, emphatic, and temporal. Cai marks a denying-expectation focusing while jiu marks a simple focus. Pragmatic notions such as scalar implicature, the Gricean maxim of quantity, and the principle of relevance, are utilized to derive the various interpretations of these two words from their general meaning. Integrating semantics and pragmatics both recovers the systematic relation between cai and jiu, and allows for a unified analysis of the uses of these two adverbs.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 16 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1988 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.