A cognitive approach to the genesis of numeral classifiers in Mandarin Chinese
Yau Shun-chiu 游顺钊

Abstract 摘要
Haas (1942) wrote the first article entirely devoted to classifiers, in this case with reference to Thai, in a major linguistic journal. Since then the literature on the subject has increased substantially. Certain interesting aspects of classifiers, however, remain untreated, notably the evolution of this linguistic category in one particular language. Classifiers constitute the only grammatical category in the Chinese language whose emergence dates well after the beginning of recorded history. Since Chinese is rich in this category and sufficiently documented with written texts as ancient as the 14th century B.C., it is therefore well placed as an appropriate if not ideal language for tracing the evolution of a classifier system. In this article, I mainly deal with the genesis of this grammatical category in Chinese from a cognitive point of view. Based on evidence from Archaic Chinese, I argue that the emergence of this grammatical category was first motivated by a mnemonic necessity often manifested in language. It was these mnemonic devices that later evolved into what is now called classifiers. I limit my arguments to the Chinese case, but I strongly believe that the principle underlying my arguments will ultimately find echoes in some other classifier languages.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 16 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1988 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.