A default technique for the phonetic approach to retrieving Chinese characters
Sheng-ping Fang; Shyn-ming Chen; Kuang Mei 梅廣; Fu-wen Lin 林甫文; Jian-hua Huang

Abstract 摘要
This paper proposed a default technique to enhance the efficiency of Chinese text-processing devices using the phonetic alphabet. The principal idea of the default technique is to establish a context-sensitive table of default characters for a given syllable. For example, on receiving an input string li4, the computer would search for the most likely character pronounced as such and display it in the text area, so that the user could decide whether a correction is needed. The default character is determined by the transliteration of the target character and that of its preceding character. The default for a 1i4 preceded by /ju3/ could be 例, while that for li4 preceded by /mei3/ could be 丽. If the preceding context is not included in the default table, the most frequently used li4 (i.e., 力) would be displayed as the default. The rate of successful guessing, that is, the percentage of defaults matching targets, currently averaged 83%.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 17 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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