An aspectual system in Mandarin Chinese
Lillian Meei-jin Hunag 黄美金; Philip W. Davis 戴非力

Abstract 摘要
We first examine the particle le in Mandarin Chinese and conclude that its semantics forces us to allow the category of aspect to extend beyond the domain of Verbs. Secondly, we find that the semantics of le does not conform to the semantics of Perfective and Imperfective familiar to us from Indo-European languages. Rather, le signals the presence of an interruption, which may be, for example, the boundary of an event, the disruption which occurs upon suddenly recognizing a previously unnoticed entity, or any other circumstance appropriate to this semantics. Extending our investigation, we examine three additional particles in Mandarin Chinese: guo, zai, and zhe. Here, we find that the idea of a semantic interruption recurs, but that there is now a second semantic contrast of immediate: remote. Together, the semantics of presence and absence of interruption and the semantics of immediate: remote allow us to order the four particles into a coherent semantic system of aspect.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 17 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1989 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.