Dialectal distribution of V-neg-VO and VO-neg-V interrogative sentence patterns
汉语方言中 V-neg-VO 和 VO-neg-V 问句句型分布的探讨
De-xi Zhu 朱德熙

Abstract 摘要
This article is a continuation of Zhu (1985) and is attempting to demonstrate the following points: (1) The distinction between the interrogative sentence patterns VO-neg-V and V-neg-VO is of typological significance. The former prevails in northern Chinese dialects while the latter is employed mostly in Southern Chinese dialects. (2) There are dialects of the V-neg-VO type in which the V-neg-VO construction always contract to VVO. The process of contraction is either through the deletion of the negative or due to the fusion of the verb plus the negative. The different processes of contraction are also typologically significant.

本文讨论了汉语方言里与 K-VP (K 指疑问副词)型反复问句对立的 VP-neg-VP 型问句带宾语时的两种形式:VO-neg-V 与 V-neg-VO。 文章指出:(1)这两种句式在方言里的分布是互补的。北方官话采用前者,而南方话(西南官话,粤语,闽语,吴语和客家话)则采用后者。因此两种句式的区分具有类型学上的意义。(2)在一部分南方方言里V-neg-VO 经常紧缩为VVO 形式。 紧缩的方法有两种:一是省略否定词(如吴语里的绍兴话),一是否定词跟前边的动词融合成一个音节(如闽西连城(新泉)的客家话)。文章认为这两种紧缩方式的区分也有类型学的意义。此外,文章还简略地讨论了VO-neg-V 句式的历史。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 18 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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