Zhui Wang (隹王) in oracle bone language: Possible relationship to the bird totem of Shang dynasty
Kuang Yu Chen 陈光宇

Abstract 摘要
The use of 隹 (zhui) + noun (e.g. 隹王 + date of the year, month) in Oracle Bone Language during Shang Dynasty (ca 1,700-1,100 BC) has persisted down to the classical period of Chou Dynasty (ca 1.100-220 BC). The meaning of 隹 in such context is thought to be equivalent to 维 or 惟 used in classical Chinese of later period. Thus, although 隹 by itself is defined as birds with short tail, when it is combined with a noun in Shang-Chou texts, it may serve as (i) a functional particle to initiate a phrase, (ii) an interrogative particle to initiate a question, or (iii) a verbal (copulative) term meaning to be. For example, 隹王 + 祀 is generally thought to mean: "It is the tenth year of the King". It is proposed in this paper that the word 隹 in 隹王 (zhui wang) retains its original meaning, namely, bird, and that the term 隹王 (zhui wang) symbolizes the close association of Shang Kings with their mythical (or totemical) ancestors, the swallow bird (玄鸟). Thus, 隹王 (zhui wang) literally means: "This King of the Bird Descendant". Archeological evidence, including oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions and classical textual materials, are presented in the paper to support this hypothesis.

自公元1899年,清末学者王懿荣,刘鹗等发现甲骨文并将之溯源至河南安阳小屯之后,史记.殷本纪中所载人物事迹才算得到地下考古资料实物的证实。十数万片龟甲兽甲兽骨上所刻甲骨文字,以卜辞居最多,其中多有关祭祀(如用牲,择日,排比等)及征伐。与古人所说的[ 国之大事,唯祀与戎] 似乎颇能相验证。甲骨文中有[隹王]一词,其中隹字,学者多认为是虚字或介词,相当于现代的惟字。本文试以商代始祖与鸟(玄鸟,凤凰)的关系以及金文,甲骨文中的一些资料作基础,提出关于[隹王]一词的另外一种看法。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 22 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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