History of some coordinative conjunctions in Chinese
Jian Liu 刘坚; Alain Peyraube 贝罗贝

Abstract 摘要
This paper analyzes the historical development of the Chinese coordinative conjunctions and reveals the importance in Chinese of degrees of grammaticalization. Grammaticalization is defined as follows: “process which consists in the increase of the range of a morpheme advancing from a lexical to a grammatical or from a less grammatical to a more grammatical status” (Kurylowicz 1965). It is shown that the coordinative conjunctions which connect two or more NP don't come directly from verbs, as it is widely agreed (by Wang Li 1958, Pan Yunzhong 1982, or even Liu Jian 1989), but from prepositions which themselves come from verbs. In other words, there have been two processes of grammaticalization, one transforming a verb into a preposition, and the other one transforming the preposition into a conjunction, in that order. Thus, conjunctions are more grammaticalized than prepositions. This is true for all the stages of Chinese: Archaic Chinese, Medieval Chinese. Modern Chinese, Contemporary Chinese.

本文分析汉语并列连词的历史发展,同时指出汉语语法化程度的重要性。把两个及两个以上的NP 连接起来的并列连词并不是如一般所说的直接来自动词,而是来自介词,而介词是来自动词。换言之,一共有两个语法化过程:首先是将动词转为介词,然后是将介词转为连词的两个过程。因此,连词比介词更为语法化。这个情形在汉语发展各个阶段中皆如是:上古、中古、近代汉语、现代汉语。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 22 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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