Palatalization of old Chinese velars
Axel Schuessler 许思莱

Abstract 摘要
Qieyun system (QYS) palatal initials which are suspected of an Old Chinese (OC) velar origin are of two types: (1) Type I palatals occur in certain syllables with front vowels which are subject to the chongniu phenomenon: palatalized OC velars are in complementary distribution with chongniu division ("grade") 4 syllables. Therefore, such palatals can be reconstructed as ordinary velars in OC, followed by whatever gave rise to QYS div. 4 chongniu medial and/or vocalism, e.g. 支 Zhī. < OC *ke. (2) Type II is the QYS initial tśhj which goes back to some initial cluster involving a velar and *1, with any vowel, e.g. 川 chuān < OC *k'lun(?).

中古切韵系统中有一组腭化音(palatal) 声母, 这些声母来源于某种上古汉语的齿音 (dental)声母。但是其中一些字的声母看起来是来源于上古汉语的舌根音(veral) 声母。本文指出了来源于上古舌音的切韵腭化音声母是属于切韵系统韵类中造成重纽区的字。根据声母清浊(k- 对 g-)和声调的条件,上古音中的舌根音声母的一些字发生腭化,而另一些则没有。我们找出了在切韵系统中象ts'je 对 gjie (重纽四等) 这样的腭化字。切韵系统中的腭化音声母跟有重纽四等的舌根音成互补状态。切音腭化音声母中来源于上古舌根音声母的字是可测的。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 24 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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