Coarticulatory effects of vowels on syllable initial consonant /r/ in standard Chinese
汉语普通话中元音对声母 r 的协同发音作用
Rongrong Liao 廖荣容

Abstract 摘要
Coarticulatory effects that different vowels have on syllable initial consonant /r/ were examined. Spectrographic and LPC analyses were performed on all possible sequences of /VrV/ and /rV/, which yielded a total of 40 /VrV/ and 5 /rV/ sequences. 4 speakers were asked to produce the sequences. The results are as follows: (1) the F1 or F2 of /r/ covaries with that of the neighboring vowels positively, while the F3 is close to the F2 of /r/, and covaries with the F2 of the neighboring vowels through the F2 of /r/. (2) F2 of /r/ covaries more with F2 of the following vowels than with F2 of the preceding vowels. Either the anticipatory or carryover effect on F2 of /r/ extends beyond the boundary of /r/, but does not reach the central portion of the opposite vowel.

本文通过语音实验方法研究汉语普通话中不同元音对声母 r 的协同发音影响。汉语普通话中有四十种不同的“元音r元音”和五种不同的“r元音”组合。作者对由四位发音人所发的含这些语音组合的录音进行了语图分析, 并使用特定计算机程序 测量了这些语音的共振峰频率随时间变化的数值。对所的数据进行分析的结果如下:1. r 的第一共振峰和第二共振峰都因跟相邻元音的相应共振峰协同发音而产生频率变化。 r 的第三共振峰频率跟 r 的第二共振峰频率很接近,前者通过后者跟相邻元音的第二共振峰频率发生协同变化。 2. r 的第二共振峰因跟 r 后面元音第二共振峰协同发音而产生的频率变化比因跟 r 前面元音第二共振峰协同发音而产生的频率变化大。r 因跟相邻元音的协同发音,无论是先行的还是延迟的,反应在第二共振峰频率上的变化都一直延伸到 r 的边界以外, 但是达不到相邻元音的中心部位。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 24 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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