The grammaticalisation and regrammaticalisation of Chinese numeral classifier morphemes
Kit-Ken Loke 陆洁娟

Abstract 摘要
This paper argues that both diachronic and synchronic evidence shows that the relationship between the bound classifier morpheme and its homographic and homophonous bound morpheme in nouns and verbs is one of grammaticalisation and regrammaticalisation on a semantic basis. Diachronically, the bound classifier morpheme was first grammaticalised from free noun and verb lexemes and then regrammaticalised into bound morphemes in nouns and verbs. Synchronically, the grammaticalisation process is still being manifested in the innovative use of free noun and verb lexemes as classifiers in creative writings, and the regrammaticalisation process, in the formation of new lexical items in the field of technology, especially in computer science. There is also evidence that the bound classifier morpheme is being regrammaticalised into free nouns in limited contexts. These two processes are seen as providing a dynamic and productive device to language users to cope with the cognitive and social demand made on language.

本文从历时和共时的角度探讨汉语量词词素和与它同形同音的名词或动词词素之关系。本文之论点如下:从历史角度看,汉语量词词素是从自由名词或动词词素语化而来, 成为粘着词素,与 数词连用;然后又再语化为粘着名词或动词词素,出现在名词和动词及其复合词中。从共时角度看,此语化和再语化现象和过程仍然可见。许多自由名词和动词词素皆可当量词用以收修词上之特殊效果; 同时,粘着名词和动词词素常被用来创构新词,尤其是专有科技和电脑名词。另一方面,在有限的语境中, 极少数的粘着量词词素有再语化为自由名词词素的现象。本文的结论是:此二种语化现象和过程是汉语给汉语使用者所提供的一个活现的和能产的策略,以助他们应付认识和社会发展对语言所作的要求。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 25 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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