Competing Strategies and Derivational Economy
Matthew Y. Chen 陈渊泉

Abstract 摘要
This paper examines a number of theoretical issues against a set of intricate tone sandhi facts of New Chongming. I argue three main points: 1. Far from being arbitrary rewrite rules, tone sandhi processes function as competing repair strategies, a synchronic analog of competing sound changes. 2. There is a need to recognize embody gradient, probabilistic tendencies rather than categorical or yes/no rules. 3. Given a set of independently established rules, and given alternative derivations consistent with them, the simplest derivation leading to a wellformed tonotactic target is consistently preferred–in accordance with the Harmonic Principle, according to which rules apply minimally to maximally satisfy wellformedness conditions.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 26 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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