The Minnan Substrate and Creolization in Baba Malay
Umberto Ansaldo 洪柏陶; Stephen Matthews 马诗帆

Abstract 摘要
The aim of this paper is to reevaluate the role of the Minnan element in Baba Malay (BM). Spoken by the Straits-born Chinese of Melaka and Singapore, BM has been described as a creole based on Malay with a Minnan substrate (Lim 1981, Holm 1989). However Pakir (1986) regards it as a dialect of Malay, and in Grimes (1992) BM is described as a Malay dialect with some borrowings from Hokkien. In this paper we attempt to resolve this question, showing that the Minnan element in BM represents a case of substrate influence rather than borrowing. Inspired by the framework of Thomason & Kaufman (1988), we believe that the nature of a language is a function of the history of its speakers. The historical context of BM, and the evidence given by a careful analysis of its structure, clearly argue in favor of treating the language as a creole. We then consider the structural influence of Hokkien on BM in terms of shift and substrate influence, focusing on syntactic features of BM including possessive and passive constructions and the TMA system.

本文章是研究巴巴马来话–Babamalay–的历史和结构。BM是早年从福建移民来的闽南人和马来西亚当地的女人通婚后形成的一种语言。作者提出的问题是:BM话是不是一种从马来话和闽南话发展出来的混合语言?本文试图说明闽南话对BM有很重要的影响,特别是在语法方面。因为BM表现出很清楚的混合特性,我们不认为 BM 是一种马来的方言,我们要了解的是它的闽南底层。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 27 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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