The Grammar of Demonstratives in Mandarin Conversational Discourse: A Case Study
Hungyin Tao 陶红印

Abstract 摘要
This is a study of the grammar of Mandarin demonstratives based on actual spoken discourse data. Traditionally, it is assumed that spatial distinctions are primary for demonstrative uses. For example, zhe is used when the referent is close to the speaker, while na appears when the referent is distant from the speaker. I show that in actual discourse demonstratives operate in a much more complicated fashion and that the traditional view does not account well for the interactional data examined. Using such notions as indexical ground and the dynamic nature of indexical ground proposed by discourse researchers, I suggest that the non-concrete dimensions of indexical ground must be introduced to explain the grammar of demonstratives. Specifically, I propose that factors such as the shift of discourse structures, discourse properties of the focused referent, the building of text, the speaker's assumption about the hearer, and the speaker's attitude toward the referent, play an important role in determining the use of Mandarin demonstratives.

传统上认为,指代词(这、那以及由这, 那构成的指代结构, 如这个、那个、这里、哪里等)的使用是跟所指对象与说话人的实际距离的远近有关的。虽然这种“距离说” 能解释一般的情形, 但并不能说明事物的全部。我们考察了实际录音的言谈材料后 发现,远指与近指指代词的选择跟很多传统上没有意识到的因素有关,比如言谈结构的变化(对话还是叙事),所指的话语特征(有指还是无指),所指是否跟上文有关,说话人对听话人的知识判断,以及说话人对名词所指的态度等。这些都是决定谈话中用“这”还是“那”的有关话语因素,而这些因素显然超出了“距离说”的解释范围。尽管我们的研究还很初步,但它可以用来说明这样一个道理,研究语法不能不看实际的言谈材料。换句话说,研究话语活动并不简单地是去研究某条抽象“语法”如何被实际运用,而且也是在揭示真正的语法规律。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 27 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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