Dialect Grammar in Two Early Modern Southern Min Texts: A Comparative Study of Dative kît. Comitaive câng and Diminutive -guìa
Hilary Chappell 曹茜蕾

Abstract 摘要
In this analysis, I use a typological perspective to compare certain grammatical features of modern Southern Min dialects such as Taiwanese and Amoy (Xiamen) with those found in the Southern Min translation of the Doctrina Christiana (ca. 1607 AD) and a Southern Min grammar written in Spanish: Arte de la lengua Chi Chiu (1620 AD). The specific grammatical constructions and categories which are investigated are dative, causative and passive constructions formed with kît 乞 (khit), ‘to give’; comitative, ablative and benefactive constructions formed with câng 共 (kā) ‘with’; and the development of the diminutive marker -kìa, -ìa and -nìa 仔 (-á) from the lexeme 'son'. The objective is to ascertain if these syntactic and morphological constructions have undergone any major grammatical changes over the last 4 centuries in Southern Min. In fact, some functions of these markers prove to be similar to Taiwanese Southern Min, such as certain uses of comitative câng 共 (kā), while other markers appear to be distinct but are found elsewhere in Min dialects, such as the passive and causative marker kît 乞 (khit). The findings illustrate examples of grammatical renovation as the consequence of competing forms, phonological attrition and polysemous conceptual shift as the outcome of different paths of grammaticalization.

本文从类型学角度来分析闽方言的某些句法特征。主要的目的是把十七世纪初用闽南语写的两本文献与现代一些闽方言例如台湾闽南话及厦门话进行比较研究。这两本文献一本是从西班牙语译成闽南语的传道手册 Doctrina Christiana (1607);另一本 是西班牙语写的闽南话句法 Arte de la lengua Chio Chiu (1620). 本文主要研究下列的句法结构与范畴: 用 kît (乞 khit “给”) 组成的给与,使动及被动标志;用 câng (共kā “和”) 组成的伴随标志,来源标志及受惠标志以及小称后缀 -kìa ~ -ìa ~ -nìa 仔 (-á) 从词位“儿子”的演变。其次,本文拟研究四百年以来上述结构在句法上的变化。以上三类结构有些还残存于现代的台湾闽南话中,如kā,-á 的某些功能,有的则存在于其它的闽方言中,如 kît (乞 khit)。虽说它们的句法功能不一定完全相同。从文中的分析可以看到词语替代,音位损耗与多义概念转移对于语法化过程的不同影响以及获得的不同结果。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 28 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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