The Problem of the Suffix-Men in Chinese Grammar
汉语语法中词尾 "们" 的几个问题
Robert Iljic 罗毅

Abstract 摘要
This article offers a detailed analysis of the so-called ‘plural’ suffix -men in Mandarin Chinese. -Men occurs with both personal pronouns and nouns. However, while it is regularly attached to personal pronouns, it appears only sporadically – though not randomly – with nouns. Its occurrence after nouns is highly constrained (humanness, incompatibility with simultaneous counting, definiteness, non-genericity, modal overtones) and is manifestly not governed by considerations of number alone, unlike the plural in Indo-European languages. Clarifying the conditions of the occurrence of -men with nouns was the major unsolved problem, since this optional use cannot be captured in terms of syntactic or any other mechanical rules. It is discourse-motivated and depends on pragmatic factors. The dichotomy between obligatory and optional use prompted many scholars to distinguish two values for -men, a plural after pronouns and a collective after nouns. I argue that -men is in all cases a collective. What actually triggers the occurrence of -men is the conjunction of number and person. This is the case par excellence of the ‘plural’ of personal pronouns, which does not correspond to an addition or multiplication of elements, but rather to what Benveniste (1966) calls ‘amplification’ of persons. I show that in narrative contexts the group referred to by N-men is constructed relative to a given character as opposed to the speaker/narrator. The character is not only the locator for the group but also the spatial point from which things are viewed. This shifting of perspective (internal versus external point of view) is not structurally conditioned, which explains why nouns in narration are not obligatorily suffixed by -men. In summary, the suffix -men always marks a subjective grouping, either relative to the speaker/narrator or to some character whose point of view the narrator provisionally adopts. This amounts to unifying nominal and pronominal -men. The collective at issue should be characterized as personal, in the sense we talk about ‘personal’ pronouns.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 29 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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