Wilhelm von Humboldt on the Chinese Lanugage -- Interpretation and Reconstruction
威海姆‧冯‧洪堡特的汉语理论: 解释与重建
Tze-wan Kwan 关子尹

Abstract 摘要
Acclaimed as the father of general linguistics, Wilhelm von Humboldt’s scholarship on the Chinese language was also a remarkable one. For Humboldt, language universals are nothing but some general principles pertaining to the function of language as a major intellectual activity. These principles, however, have to be exemplified by individual languages with all their linguistic particularities. Humboldt considered languages to be like organic entities capable of consistent development over ages. Starting from specific linguistic idiosyncrasies, individual languages tend to follow their own consistent and self-adjusted line of development. In the Chinese language, initial linguistic features such as “phonic poverty”, “phonic isolation” (monosyllability) etc. prevented the Chinese from developing a grammatical system on the basis of inflection, as is the case in most Indo-European languages. In regard to grammar, the Chinese language seems to have found a way of its own. Instead of relying on externally precipitated sound forms, Chinese grammar has developed in such a way that the intellectual power tends to take direct control over the sentence. For this to function smoothly, a number of linguistic devices (such as tonality, the use of particles and idioms etc.) were also developed as compensation measures to offset the relative weakness of the Chinese sound system. For the same reason, in the development of the Chinese script, the graphical elements were allowed to share with the phonic elements the burden of meaning discrimination. With the measure of “analogy of script”, as highlighted by Humboldt, the hidden creativity of the Chinese mind is liberated to its greatest extent. Besides being an interpretation of Humboldt’s theory, this paper is also an attempt for reconstruction. In so doing, various works of modern scholarship on the Chinese language/script were cited, of which the works of two Chinese linguists, Hu Pu’an and Sun Yongchang were given special attention.


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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 29 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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