Tsu-lin Mei 梅袓麟

Abstract 摘要
This paper tries to answer two questions: Do we need a Chinese historical phonology with special Chinese characteristics? What sort of historical phonology with special Chinese characteristics should we develop? The answer: In the work Karlgren, Fang-kuei Li, Yakhontov, we already have an Old Chinese phonology with special Chinese characteristics. (I )All these scholars use phonetic compounds as one of the sounces for Old Chinese reconstruction, and the use of Chinese characters is a distinctive feature of Chinese culture. (2)All modern scholars of Old Chinese phonology incorporate in their work two great achievements of Qing philologists: first, the establishment of the rhyme categories of the Sizijkig, and second, Duan Yucai's famous diction "words in the same phonetic series belong to the same Shying categories." Section three argues that the concept "alternation by a single sound"(yi sheng zhi zhuan) propagated by Wang Niansun in Guangya shuzheng led to the pseudo-scientic method used in etymological studies such as Wang Li's Tongyuan zidian and Xing Gongwan's Han-Thai yu bijiao shouce. Section four shows that Old Chinese had prefix *s- and cognates could be formed by adding *s- to the root.

本文第一节提出两个问题:我们需要不需要一种”有中国特色的汉语历史音韵学”?我们需要哪一种”有中国特色的汉语历史音韵学”?第二节说,现在主流的汉语历史音韵学,如李方桂《上古音研究》、雅拱托夫《汉语史论集》、潘悟云《汉语历史音韵学》,里面已经包含着”有中国特色的”成份:(1)把方块字当作基本数据之一,(2)青代朴学家的古韵分部,(3)段玉裁的”同声必同部”。此外还用了西方传入的描写语言学和历史比较方法。结论是说我们现在已经有了”有中国特色的汉语历史音韵学”。 第三节说,王念孙《广雅疏证》中所用的”一声之转”的观念,在二十世纪产生章黄学派的训诂学,而且影响王力《同源字典》、邢公畹《汉台语比较手册》这两本书里研究同源词的方法。”一声之转”虽然是”有中国特色”的方法,但不能算作科学的历史语言学的一部分。 第四节举例说明,用汉藏比较的观点怎样去研究上古汉语的同源词。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 30 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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