Production and Perception of the Two Dipping Tones (Tone 2 and Tone 3) in Taiwan Mandarin
台湾地区国语抑扬调 (二声与三声) 之发声与听辨
Janice Fon 冯怡蓁; Wen-Yu Chiang 江文瑜; Hintat Cheung 张显达

Abstract 摘要
This study examined the two most similar tones in Taiwan Mandarin–Tone 2 (T2) and Tone 3 (T3). Experiment I showed that both tones had dipping contours and occupied about the same mid-low pitch range. The only reliable difference lay in slope. T3 had consistently steeper slopes in both the falling and rising portions than those of T2. In Experiment II, a perception test of extracted portions from T2 and T3 showed that falling contours sounded more T3-like whereas rising contours more T2-like, regardless of which source tone an extraction was taken from. In Experiment III, a manipulation of slope and initial pitch showed that a falling slope with steepness between -.30 Hz/ms and -.40 Hz/ms and low initial pitch (190 Hz) fell in the optimal range for T3 but no such range was found for T2, although shallower slopes (-.20 Hz/ms and -.10 Hz/ms) and higher initial pitch (210 Hz) did elicit more T2 responses. Experiment IV, a speeded tonal recognition task, showed that as a result of different placements of critical information of the two tones, T3 was recognized faster than T2.

本研究目的在于检视台湾地区国语中,两个非常相似的语调–二声与三声。实验一之结果显示,此二语调皆呈现抑扬调之调型,并且占有相似之中低音阈。二者唯一在统计上有效的差异为斜度。三声无论是在抑或扬的部分,斜度皆比二声为陡。实验二中,由二声与三声取出部分调型,对于受试者进行声调听辨。结果发现,部分调型无论原本由何声调中取出,抑调较符合听者对于三声的认知,而扬调则较符合听者对于二声的认知。实验三中,我们将抑调予以调整,用以检测斜度与初始音高对于声调辨识的影响。结果显示,当下降斜度在 -.30 赫兹/微秒与 -.40 赫兹/微秒之间,且初始音高较低(190赫兹)时,颇能引发听者三声的反应。但听者对二声的认知却极难在抑调中出现。不过,若抑调斜度较缓(-20 赫兹/微秒及 -10 赫兹/微秒),且初始音高较高(210赫兹)时,听者会有较多二声之反应。实验四为一快速声调听辨测试,结果显示,由于二声与三声对于重要辨识信息存放位置有异,三声辨识速度较二声为快。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Tonal perception 声调感知 Dipping tones 抑扬调 Rising tones 扬调 Tone2 第二声 Tone3 第三声 Mandarin tones 国语声调

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 32 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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