The Rule of /t/-Lateralization and the Origins of Korean Words nat, nal, and il
t-舌侧音化规则和韩国语 nal, nat, il 的起源
Youngjun Jang 张荣俊

Abstract 摘要
This paper traces the origins of some Korean words that have so far been assumed to be “pure” Korean vocabulary. Rejecting the widely adopted etymologies, instead, we will show that these particular words, namely, nat ‘daytime,’ nal ‘day,’ and il ‘day/date’ are in fact modified forms of Ancient Chinese niet ‘sun’. That is, so-called “pure” Korean nat and nal, Sino-Korean il, and Chinese zi ‘day, sun’ are all derived from Ancient Chinese niet ‘sun,’ while hay ‘the sun’ is the only Korean counterpart of these words. In reconstructing these seemingly unrelated words, we will provide a new kind of supporting evidence for the fairly well established principle of /t/ -> /l/ in supporting our argument.

这篇论文主要阐述的是,对几个我们以前一直认为是纯韩国语单词的词源的推测. 研究以及从中总结出了这些单词均起源于汉语的结论。其中, 在这里想要分析的主要对象是, 韩国语中的 “nat, nal, il(日)” 这几个词。想要研究和证明的一点是, 我们一直认为是纯韩国语的 “nal, nat” , 和韩国语汉字词“il(日)”,全部都起源于古代汉语中的 “日” [niet] 这个词。在分析这些单词的演变过程中, 我发现, 在韩国语的汉字词的发音音节当中, 有一个很有规律性的演变, 那就是 /t/ -> /l/这样一个音节演变过程。那么接下来, 我将对这些词源的发展过程进行详细地说明并且加以论证。

Keywords 关键词

Sino-Korean 中韩 Archaic Chinese 上古汉语 Modern Chinese 现代汉语 Sound change 音变 /t/-/l/ sound change /t/到/l/的音变, /t/-Lateralization /t/的舌侧音化

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 36 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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