Complement and adjunct distribution and the two-place nominals in Chinese NPS
Feng-fu Tsao 曹逢甫

Abstract 摘要
This paper discusses the universal complement and adjunct distinction refuted in Tang (1990) and Lin (1994) who argue that there seems to be no point in setting up a special category of complements in Chinese because an adjunct and optionally a determiner -numeral- classifier phrase can occur between a complement and the head noun. A closer examination of the distributional differences of the appositive clause and the relative clause in Chinese, however, reveals that the differences follow what is usually assumed to exist between complement and adjunct. To reconcile these two sets of distributional facts, we re-examine the distribution of all prenominal modifiers, including specifiers, complements and adjuncts and sum up with three principles. We also re-examine the structure of NPs with a two-place nominal as head and propose a new analysis which takes the dui-NP phrase and the preceding NP as forming a small clause sharing a number of features with the appositive clause. On the basis of this similarity we propose to analyze the [NP PP] small clause as a complement. The two observations together with the usual assumption that the complement is a daughter while the adjunct is a sister of a N’ can explain a wide range of distributional facts of Chinese premodifiers. Finally, we re-examine the distributional facts of the dui-NP phrase and the preceding NP, when they occur in a sentence with a dummy verb such as you ‘EXIST, HAVE’ and jinxing ‘PROCEED’. By assuming these dummy verbs as raising predicates as Tsao (1990, 1996) has, and the rule “Adnominal Dative Promotion”, we are able to account for the distributional facts we have observed.

本論文先討論了在X標杠理論中補語與附加語之分別; 根據此項區別,補語恒比附加語接近中心語名詞。就結構樹而言,補語是X零次杠的姊妹節,而附加語是X一次杠的姊妹節。可是,湯志真 (1990) 和林若望 (1994)在檢視了所謂補語與附加語在漢語各句中的分佈後,都認為漢語不必做此區分,因為在一般都認為是補語的片語與中心語名詞間尚可插入附加語,以及定-數-類片語。 但在檢視了名詞的同位子句及關係子句之後,我們發現它們的分佈完全遵照補語與附加語的區分。這一點促使我們重新全面檢視了補語與附加語的分佈情形,從而找出了他們在名片語內成分分佈的三大原則。 在檢視的過程中我們也發現了被視為是構成反例的「對」字片語,其實可以和它的主語名片語共組一個小句(small clause),而該小句為中心語的補語。我們舉出相當多的例證來支持我們的分析。如果這樣的分析成立的話,那麼前述的三條分佈原則加上出現在基底的補語附加語區分,就可以解釋漢語名片語內部成分在表層的分佈現象。

Keywords 關鍵詞

Complement 補語 Adjunct 附加語 Two-place nominal 二價名詞 Raising predicates 提升動詞 Adnominal dative promotion形容詞與格提升

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 38 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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