Report: The international symposium on Sino-Tibetan Comparative Studies in the 21st Century
报告: [译]: 21世纪国际汉藏语言比较研究研讨会
Zev Handel 韩哲夫

Abstract 摘要
The International Symposium on Sino-Tibetan Comparative Studies in the 21st Century (二十一世紀漢藏語比較語言學研討會) was held June 24-25, 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan. The conference was hosted and organized by the Institute of Linguistics at Academia Sinica (中央研究院語言學研究所). The main sessions consisted of ten invited thirty-minute presentations, each followed by a ten-minute response from a designated discussant, with an additional ten minutes allotted for general questions and discussion. Full papers of the presentations were provided to conference participants. On the afternoon of the second day, after the main sessions were concluded, four panel discussions were held on topics of general importance for the field. The symposium’s opening remarks were delivered by the Director of the Institute of Linguistics, Jackson T.-S. Sun, and by Sinica Academician Tsu-Lin Mei. Jonathan Evans of the Institute of Linguistics delivered the remarks that closed the symposium.
Although the presentations covered a wide variety of topics within the broad field of Sino-Tibetan and Tibeto-Burman comparative linguistics, a few major themes and concerns emerged as foci of the discussions. These included the role of comparative evidence in the reconstruction of Old Chinese phonology and morphology; the value and application of macro-level vs. micro-level reconstruction within Tibeto-Burman; and methodological issues in subgrouping.

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 39 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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