Expletive negation in Mandarin cha-dian-mei 'miss bit-not' + V structure
中文 "差点没+V"结构中的虚位否定
Haiyong Liu 刘海咏

Abstract 摘要
This paper studies the disambiguation of Mandarin cha-dian-mei (CDM) ‘miss-bit-not’ + V structure, which has either a positive or negative interpretation. I present data to illustrate the interpretational effects caused by post-verbal objects and the perfective-marker le, which have not been discussed in the literature. I conclude that CDM + V, like Mandarin passive voice, is an adversity structure with a default negative interpretation and M is an expletive negator. Also, when V is desirable, CDM + V desirable should be segmented as CD + M Vdesirable. I also argue that cai and jiu are syntactic cues for segmentation and that CDM + V is one of the very few counterfactual expressions in Mandarin, similar to cases in Russian, Spanish, and French where expletive negators appear.

中文的“差点没 + V”结构即可有肯定也可有否定解释,本文就研究“差点没 + V”的解疑问题。我将介绍文献尚未涉及的动词后宾语和完成体标志“了”在解释“差点没 + V”时的作用。我证明正如中文被动语态,“差点没 + V”是一种“逆境”表达方式,以否定解释为默认解释,而“没”是一个虚位否定词。当动词有褒义意时,“差点没 + V褒义”应被切分为“差点 + 没V褒义”。我同时认为“才”和“就”是切分“差点没 + V”的句法手段。“差点没 + V”是中文为数不多的反事实假设表达方式之一,这与俄语、西班牙语、法语虚位否定词出现的环境类似。

Keywords 关键词

Mandarin 中文 Expletive negator 虚位否定词 Segmentation 切分 Counterfactual 反事实假设 cha-dian-mei 差点没

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 39 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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