Contextual and pitch range effects on tonal realizations in Rugao Chinese
Tsan Huang 黄璨

Abstract 摘要
Factors such as preceding or following tone, pitch range, and prosodic position have been found to have an impact on phonetic tonal realization (Gandour et al. 1994;Shih 1988; Liberman & Pierrehumbert 1984; Pierrehumbert & Beckman 1988; Peng1997). The present study used Rugaohua, a Southern Mandarin dialect, as a testing ground for some of the theoretical claims and tonal realization models. It was found that preceding tone and pitch range, as well as underlying tonal specification for target syllable, were important factors in a tonal realization model for Rugaohua. In particular, a preceding tone with a L target down steps a following tone, and different L targets may have different down stepping effects. When pitch range was manipulated by increasing and decreasing voice volume, high tones were affected more than low tones. The data suggest that there may also be following tone and prosodic position effects, calling for further investigation on these factors.

上下文、音域、句中位置等因素都对音调的实际调值有影响(Gandour et al.1994; Shih 1988; Liberman & Pierrehumbert 1984; Pierrehumbert &Beckman 1988; Peng 1997)。本研究试以汉语官话江淮方言如皋话的语料来考察关于声调实现的一些理论及模型。我们发现字调的实际调值除受本身调类限制外,也受到前字声调及音域的影响。尤其是当前字声调为低(L)时,目标字的实际调值有明显降低,且不同的低(L)调会造成目标字声调不同程度的降低。而当音域因音量的加大或减小而发生相应变化时,目标字高(H)调受到的影响比低(L)调大。我们的语料还显示,后字的声调及目标字在句中的位置可能也对目标字的实际调值有一定影响,因此我们应对这些因素作进一步的考察。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Chinese (Mandarin) dialect 汉语(北方话)方言 Phonetic tonal realization 声调的语音实现 Tonal context 声调环境 Pitch range 音域

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 39 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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