Review: Lin: The sound of Chinese
书评: [译]:林:汉语的语音
Feng Shi; LeiLiang 石锋; 梁磊

Abstract 摘要
The Sounds of Chinese is a textbook providing a clear introduction to the sounds of Standard Chinese, designed for English-speaking students with no prior knowledge of linguistics. The following characteristics in the book are discussed: (1)the perfective integration of phonetics and phonology in the whole book; (2) the correct pronunciation described by the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to all the pinyin letters for foreign learners; (3) the clear comparisons of the sounds in English and Chinese with relevant examples, along with practical pronunciation advice; (4) the helpful explanation of Chinese loanword phonology to understand the phonetic system of Standard Chinese. The Sounds of Chinese spread an approach to Chinese sounds.

The Sounds of Chinese (汉语的语音) 是为母语为英语的学生了解汉语语音知识,学习汉语普通话的发音而写的一部重要的教科书。书中的内容有几个方面的特点:一、全书自始至终都体现语音学跟音系学的对接与结合;二、使用国际音标对于汉语拼音作出系统标注有利于外国学生的正确发音;三、采用英汉对比方式举例进行语音分析,既是教学的坦途又是发现的捷径;四、英汉借词音系学的解说加深对于汉语语音系统的理解和认识。The Sounds of Chinese (汉语的语音) 是一本了解和学习汉语语音的好著作、好教材,是通向汉语语音的便捷之路。

Keywords 关键词

The Sounds of Chinese 汉语的语音 phonetics and phonology 语音学与音系学 IPA 国际音标 pinyin 汉语拼音 loanword phonology 借词音系学

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 39 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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