Review of Yang: Focus and Scales: An Experimental Study of L1 Acquisition of cai and jiu in Mandarin Chinese
书评: 焦点与级差-现代汉语“才”和“就”的儿童语言习得研究 (英文版). 杨小璐著
Shu-ing Shyu; Miao-ling Hsieh 徐淑英; 谢妙玲

Abstract 摘要
This paper reviews Xiaolu Yang’s book, which empirically investigated Mandarin L1 children’s acquisition of two focus adverbs: cai and jiu ‘just’. Her first two chapters review semantic, pragmatic and acquisition literature on focus adverbs. Based on four semantic and pragmatic dimensions of these two particles: namely time, quantity, conditional, and restrictive domains, Yang designed six main experiments and the results largely supported her hypotheses: jiu being acquired earlier than cai. Yang’s hypotheses are well grounded and her designs are original and empirically verifiable. Since the conditional domain of cai and jiu is more complex than their time/quantity domains, the former was acquired later. Moreover, the restrictive domain of cai and jiu showed different patterns from those in other domains. In addition to reviewing her experiments and results, we further suggest a development order for acquisition of association with focus, which may provide a natural motivation for Yang’s subset principle account.

本文评介杨小璐2009年所出版其1998年之博士论文专书--焦点语标量:汉语助[副]词「才」和「就」的儿童语言习得。杨在第一、二章分别以汉语与英语回顾文献对焦点副词语意,语用及第一语言习得的研究。根据「才」及「就」语意及语用上的四个面向,即时间、数量、条件、限制面向,杨设计了六大项主要实验。结果证实杨之假设: 「就」比「才」较早习得。并且因为条件面向之「才」/「就」语意语用较时间及数量面向「才」/「就」之语意语用复杂,前者习得之结果有异于后者。限制面向之「才」/「就」/「只」对儿童也较难。杨总结以「子集原则」解释儿童习得之过程。杨之假设乃以语意及语用学理论为根据,且设计之实验项目丰富且极具原创性,能有效验证儿童「才」及「就」之习得。本文除评介其实验内容及结果外,也提出焦点关连习得发展之三个阶段之假设,此提议可以针对杨所提出子集原则的分析提供更自然的解释。

Keywords 关键词

Focus adverb 焦点副词 Jiu 就 Cai 才 Association with focus 焦点关连 Scalar implicatures 标量蕴涵 Focus acquisition 焦点习得

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 39 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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