A daunting task? The acquisition of the Chinese ba-construction by nonnative speakers of Chinese
Xiaohong Wen 温晓虹

Abstract 摘要
This study investigates the acquisition of the ba-construction by English-speaking learners of Chinese. Written sentences produced by CFL learners at three proficiency levels and NSs were examined. The findings show that, although some learners at the elementary level were able to produce the ba-construction, their production on average was much lower than that of NSs. Three characteristics have been revealed. First, learners are in the process of conceptualizing the function of the ba-construction as shown by their generally correct word order and semantic organizations on one hand, and misplacing or missing components of the verbal complement on the other. Second, when given a choice, learners at the lower levels uniformly used the simpler structures of the verbal complement that present more transparent form-meaning mapping. Native-like variations only started to appear at the advanced level. Third, pragmatics and discourse also played a role, which may partially explain the verbal complement errors made by learners.

本文调查了英语为母语的汉语学习者对把字句的习得过程。语料来自汉语水平为初、中、高三个年级的学生对指定的图画所做的书面描述。尽管把字句较早地出现于学生的中介语中 (如在低年级就出现了把字句),学生所造的把字句的频率远远低于操本族语的中国人。研究结果表明三点。第一,把字句的习得过程包括对其语用功能进行认识与概念化的过程, 学习者一方面能够造出语序和语义正确的句式,另一方面却出现大量的动补成分丢失的错误。第二,在可以选择的条件下,低年级的学生一致采用了比较简单的,在语序和语义之间有较清晰的一对一关系的补语表达方式,不同形式的运用只是在语言水平的高级阶段才出现。第三,语用和篇章也会直接影响到把字句的习得,在所收集的数据中,不少偏误片说明了这一点。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Chinese language acquisition 汉语习得 Chinese grammar acquisition 汉语语法习得 The ba construction 把字句 Acquisition of the Chinese verb-complement structure 动补结构习得 Form-meaning connections 语言形式与意义的连接

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