Report: Conference of Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (ALLT 2012)
报告: 应用语言学暨语言教学国际研讨会
Shih-ping Wang 王世平

Abstract 摘要
1. INTRODUCTION Applied linguistics (AL), in its diversity, reflects the variety of language teaching, learning and disciplines. When it comes to definitions of AL, confusion abounds. Schmitt and Celce-Murcia (2002, p. 1) propose that AL “is using what we know about (a) language, (b) how it is learned and (c) how it is used, in order to achieve some purpose or solve some problem in the real world.” McCarthy argues that AL “is essentially a problem-driven discipline…,” which can “test the applicability and replicability of linguistic theory and description… the “relationship between linguistics and its application is to be a fruitful partnership” (2001, p. 4). 2012 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (ALLT) was held at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, from April 19 to 21, 2012. Various issues in AL, linguistics and relevant areas were discussed. The 2012 conference of ALLT was held in conjunction with The Second Cross-strait Symposium on Foreign Language Teaching & Research, co-hosting with Xiamen University. Its theme is “Technological and Traditional Teaching & Learning,” including various general topics presented in Table 1. The major subjects of this conference, such as ESP, globalization, project-based teaching and learning, product-based teaching and learning, the traditional EAP teaching, and CALL and Web-based approaches, have become more and more admired along with the growing need of competent communicators at the current globalization epoch.

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