Factors restricting the use of the locative preposition yu in classical Chinese
Jingxia Lin 林静夏

Abstract 摘要
Different accounts (Fang 2000; Dong 2006; Xu 2006; Xu 2008; et al.) of the optional use of locative preposition yu (於/于) in classical Chinese have been proposed. Yet there is still no agreement. This project proposed a new account via a statistical modeling method known as “recursive partitioning” to identify all the relevant factors correlated to the optional use of yu proposed previously. It is found that yu tends to follow verbs with high transitivity, which is opposite to Dong (2006) and Xu (2006). The historical development of Chinese is found to be the second most significant constraint: yu is less frequently used especially after the time of Shuihu Quanzhuan. In addition, yu tends to occur with a following monosyllabic NP. Other factors such as focus, zhi (之)-nominalization and prosody are found statistically insignificant. The results of this paper will serve as a quantitative base for further research on the grammatical function of yu.

有关制约古代汉语地点介词 “於/于” 应用的种种条件,在学术界(方平权(2000),董秀芳(2006),Xu(2006),许敏云(2008)等)有很多不同的说法,至今尚未有定论。 本文通过对历史语料进行“递归分区” 的分析,对所有现行相关的解释进行了测试,用统计学的手段,去伪存真。本文发现在古代汉语中,“於/于”的使用或省略首先与动词的及物性相关。 高及物动词倾向于使用“於/于”来引出地点名词,而低及物动词则不是如此。该结果刚好与董(2006)和Xu(2006)相悖。汉语历史时期是第二个重要影响因素。随着汉语的历史发展,尤其是在《水浒全传》以及之后的文献中,“於/于”使用频率逐步减少。另外一个比较重要的因素是地点名词的音节数,单音节地点名词倾向于用“於/于”引出。但是,用强调、抽象地点名词、韵律等等说法来解释 “於/于” 的相关用法,统计测试结果表明可能是没有科学依据的。本文提供的数据为进一步研究“於/于”在历史文献中的语法功能,建立了一个具有科学依据的基础。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Locative preposition yu 地点介词 “於/于” Modeling of recursive partitioning 递归分区统计分析法

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