The reality of compound ideographs
Geoffrey Sampson 㪚复生; Zhiqun Chen 陈志群

Abstract 摘要
Many Western readers currently accept an account of the early evolution of Chinese script due to William Boltz, according to whom all graphs other than simple pictographs originated as phonetic–semantic compounds. This contrasts with the traditional Chinese account of 六書 ‘six writings’, according to which some graphs were compounds of separate elements each chosen for their meaning rather than their sound. This paper argues that (while the ‘six writings’ theory had flaws) with respect to that central issue it is correct, and Boltz is mistaken.

在西方学界,人们普遍接受 William Boltz 关于汉字早期发展的理论。 Boltz 认为除了象形字以外,所有其他的汉字都应该源于形声字。Boltz 的理论同传统的六书理论是相抵触的。在许慎的六书理论中,有一组汉字,也就是许慎所定义的会意字,是由两个或两个以上的符号因为其各自代表的意义而结合起来所形成的。 在这篇论文中,我们将证明在会意字这个汉字范畴上,六书理论是正确的,尽管其理论有其自身的缺陷,而Boltz的理论是错误的。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Compound ideographs hui yi 会意 Phonetic–semantic compounds 形声 Six writings 六书

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