The origin and evolution of retroflex finals in Naish languages
Zihe Li 李子鹤

Abstract 摘要
In each known Naish language, there is at least one retroflex final; this paper describes the distributions of retroflex finals in five Naish languages spoken in Yunnan. Through sound correspondence analysis, this paper traces the origin of retroflex finals in Naish languages and explains related sound changes from Proto-Naish to modern dialects. The law of retroflex final evolution recognizes that the historical development of these finals had spread from west to east—the further east, the more finals have emerged from splitting, and the less the words have retroflex elements, while a new round of retroflexion is on the rise in eastern most languages.


Subject Keywords 主题词

Naish languages 纳西语 Naxi Retroflex 卷舌韵母 final Sound correspondence 语音对应 Proto-Naish 原始纳西语

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