Announcement: Summer School for Cognitive Neuroscience (Sept. 2014, Taipei)
消息: 台湾认知神经科学暑期学校 (2014.9, 台北)
National Central University 国立中央大学

Abstract 摘要
Date: 9 - 13 September 2014; Venue: National Central University; Address: No. 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 32001, Taiwan website: 2014 Summer School for Cognitive Neuroscience (2014台灣認知神經科學暑期學校) will be held by National Central University and National Yang Ming University in Taiwan (two top universities in Taiwan and members of the University System of Taiwan) in 2014. The program includes several research topics involving cognitive processes such as reading, memory, aging, action, perception, attention, cognitive control, decision making, and emotion. It is an important annual event in cooperation with Joint Research Center for Language and Human Complexity (JRCLHC), a collaboration among Peking University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the University System of Taiwan. Many prestigious speakers are invited from Mainland China (PKU), Hong Kong (CUHK), and Taiwan. Background: Initiative in December 2013, JRCLHC, a collaboration among Peking University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the University System of Taiwan, provides a research platform which adopts a multi-method/multi-variable approach to investigate language evolution and its impact on the developments of human mind at different levels of complexity with respect to the conceptual bases of the so-called five O’s: info, cogno, techno, bio, and geno. Two projects the center contributed to recently including the non-credit seminar series ‘Biological Foundations of Language’ and Summer School for Cognitive Neuroscience. ( Goal: The objective of the Summer School is to bring together students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, in order to promote and advance the development of cognitive neuroscience research. Activities: This year’s summer school program consists of mini-symposiums, experiments, film appreciation events, discussions, debate as well as group reports and presentations. Participants will also have the opportunities to explore the latest technologies, such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), eye-tracking, motion capture, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Courses will be conducted in English and Mandarin. More information on website:

为推广并促进台湾在认知神经科学研究的发展,提升国际能见度与竞争力,由多位台湾杰出研究人员共同策画2014年认知神经科学暑期学校,在教育部「台港顶 尖大学学术交流计画」的支持下,力邀香港中文大学者来台进行学术交流互动,透过认知神经科学、语言学及文化研究领域的学者发挥学术专长,推动相关学科发 展,培育跨领域研究之优秀人才,目标在推动人才进行跨界研究,拓展国际学术研究领域。本期暑期学校将遴选台、港、中两岸三地大学二、三、四年级学生与研究 生。初阶课程内容涵盖脑及心智功能研究工具以及语言、注意力、记忆与老化等研究议题的介绍;进阶课程以实际操作认知神经科学相关应用工具并进行资料分析为 主,藉以启发学员对认知神经科学研究的兴趣,增加台湾认知神经科学的研究新血与动能。



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